TMC Rincon Emergency Care

Every minute counts when you or a loved one needs emergency care. From chest pain to broken bones, stitches to warning signs of a stroke, TMC Rincon's emergency staff is ready and waiting to help. TMC Rincon offers advanced technology and experienced, compassionate professionals.

Call 911 if you are seriously injured or feel you need emergency care. Emergency responders will help you decide the best course of action.

Emergency care at TMC Rincon

Emergency physicians and providers, along with TMC Rincon nurses and staff give personalized, quality, 24-hour medical care to patients with compassion, dignity and respect. Our staff includes doctors who are board-certified in emergency medicine and emergency nurses with certification in advanced cardiac life support and pediatric advanced life support. Our goal is to provide you and your family with the best emergency care.

Your medical concerns are important to us. Every patient who checks in at our TMC Rincon emergency room will immediately be assessed by a registered nurse who will determine the seriousness of your symptoms. Each patient will then be evaluated by a provider who may order additional testing to decide on the care plan, which could include admission to the hospital or discharge home
